Upcoming SCWA Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in some short term outside volunteer opportunities? We could use some help and have partnered with several state and local organization to support the following tree plantings in the Sleepy Creek Watershed.
Friday, September 25, 9 AM – 2 PM. On this day we will be planting 250 disease replacement trees at Cacapon State Park and lunch will be provided by the park to all volunteers. We will assemble at the main lodge for planting instructions and teaming. Please bring a shovel or small spade and gloves. For more information, please call Suzy Lucas at 304-263-4376, extension 3, to volunteer.
Potomac River Keepers Float Trip
Brent Walls of the Potomac River Keepers and Frank Rogers of the Cacapon Institute invite you to participate in their Upper Potomac Float Trip on any or all of the following days: September 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, and 28. The full float trip schedule is as follows:
Sept 19 – Kick off – Cumberland to Spring Gap – 10.7 miles – Open to the public (Camping at Spring Gap)
Sept 20 – Spring Gap to Paw Paw – 19 miles
Sept 21 – Paw Paw to Great Cacapon/Cacapon Junction – 28 miles
Sept 22 – Cacapon Junction or Great Cacapon to Hancock – 9 miles – Open to public – Day Trip
Sept 23 – Hancock to McCoy’s Ferry – 14.5 miles – Open to the public – Day Trip
Sept 24 – McCoy’s Ferry to Williamsport – 14 miles
Sept 25 – Williamsport to Big Slack Water (slow 15 miles) – Open to the public (Camping at Big Slack Water)
Sept 26 – Big Slack Water to National Conservation Training Center – 2 miles
Sept 27 – World Rivers Day – Dam 4 to Shepherdstown – 11 miles – Open to the public -Day trip
Sept 28 – Shepherdstown to Harper’s Ferry Adventure Center – Open to the public (Camping at Adventure Center)
In particular, the Cacapon Institute will support your participation in the September 22nd trip tentatively scheduled from 10 AM to 3:30 PM between Great Cacapon, WV and Hancock, MD by providing kayaks and or/canoes and carpooling between Hancock and Great Cacapon as needed. Parking is available at the Cacapon Institute, 10 Rock Ford Road, Great Cacapon, WV (weather permitting). Parking is also available at the C&O Canal Park at the bottom on South Pennsylvania Street in Hancock, MD.
If you are interested in participating, please register with the Cacapon Institute at 304-258-8013, or call Frank Rodgers at 304-258-7657 or email him at FRodgers@CacaponInstitute.org. Frank will provide you additional details as the time nears.