Level 3 Stream Survey results for Sleepy Creek below the Spriggs Rd. bridge July 3, 2015
Latitude: 39-34-3.4 Longitude: 78-13-34.4
Ambient temp: 75 deg. and cloudy
Substrate (Pebble count): Good.
Habitat conditions: 169 Suboptimal
Biological conditions: 72.9 Suboptimal
There were 59 low tolerance benthic macroinvertebrates represented by 7 types, 68 ‘critters’ of 3 types in the medium tolerance category, and 13 of 4 types in the high tolerance category.
This is the location where we plan to do a stream bank restoration project which will hopefully help with the habitat conditions and bring the results back up to the normally oprtimal findings we get at other sleepy creek locations.
Click on our ‘Stream Monitoring’ category (to the right) to see stream monitoring results for other Sleepy Creek Locations this year.