Level 3 Stream Survey results for Sleepy Creek at Creek Road on 8-29-2015, 10 am.
Participants: Jeff Iliff, Norman Dean, Chuck Marsh, and Leslie Millbourn.
Latitude: 39-29-32 Longitude: 78-16-32
Water temp: 19 c. , Dissolved Oxygen: 10 Mg/l, Dissolved Solids: 170 ppm
Habitat conditions: 165 Sub optimal
Biological conditions: 81 Optimal*
*After looking at the results (67.6 suboptimal) and scrutinizing our test locations for the first sample, a second sample of macroinvertebrates (underwater bugs or ‘critters’) was preformed under the same weather conditions six days later on 9-4-15 at sites that were more representative of the reach. The results of this second sample are: Low tolerance: 113 of 10 types, Medium: 88 of 6 types, High tolerance: 30 of 6 types, resulting in a Biological Conditions score of 81, which is in the Optimal range.
In the first sample there were 93 low tolerance benthic macroinvertebrates represented by 7 types, 109 ‘critters’ of 5 types in the medium tolerance category, and 16 bugs of 2 types in the high tolerance category.
Click on our ‘Stream Monitoring’ category (to the right) to see stream monitoring results for other Sleepy Creek Locations this year, as well as a deeper explanation of the process in a posting called, “What is stream monitoring and what do the numbers mean?”