Level 3 Stream Survey results for Sleepy Creek at the Meadows property: (At New Hope Rd. bridge) June 18, 2015
Latitude: 39-35-46 Longitude: 76-10-15
Ambient temp: 74 deg. and cloudy
Substrate (Pebble count): Good
Habitat conditions: 160 Suboptimal
Biological conditions: 79.5 Suboptimal (But the high end of suboptimal)
There were 171 low tolerance benthic macroinvertebrates represented by 6 types, 38 ‘critters’ of 4 types in the medium tolerance category, and 10 of 5 types in the high tolerance category.
Click on our ‘Stream Monitoring’ category (to the right) to see stream monitoring results for other Sleepy Creek Locations this year.