Annual SCWA Meeting Scheduled for December 3, 2016
As announced earlier, we will hold our annual meeting this coming Saturday, December 3, 2016, at 7 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Morgan County Board of Education Office, 247 Harrison Street.
Following a recap of our 2016 activities and a treasurer’s report, obusiness meeting will include election of officers for the next two year term. The following officers’ terms expire at the end of this year: James Michael, Stan Oaks, and Susan Jones. Anyone wanting to join the board may express their interest at the meeting before a vote is taken.
Our guest speaker will be Mr. Ted Hogan, Executive Director, Partnership for Ecological Restoration, Inc., Stevensville, MD. Ted has over 40 years of experience in in wetland and stream studies and restoration. His firm currently has a contract with us through the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund to design a stream restoration project on Sleepy Creek near the Spriggs Road bridge. He will discuss the science and nuances of steam restoration.
Refreshments will be served.