Herb Peddicord, the WV Chesapeake Bay Forester, is inviting all interested volunteers of all ages to help plant trees in Berkeley and Jefferson Counties on several following dates. Here is the tentative schedule:
Saturday, October 15th: 9:00 am until Noon – Near Tuscarora Pike, west of Martinsburg. Take exit 13 from I-81, Turn west toward Poor House Farm on Tuscarora Pike. Go approximately 1.7 miles, loor for mailbox #8055 on the right. Turn right into the driveway. The holes are already dug for 140 trees.
Saturday October 29th – To be determined depending on tree order arrival.
Saturday, November 5th – Planting at the “Crossing on the Potomac: HOA in north Berkeley County.
Saturday, November 12th – “Tree 4 Bees” planting at Sacred Roots on Persimmon Lane in Jefferson County.
Saturday, November 19th – Riparian buffer planting on Back Creek of Ganotown Road.
Herb will also have two other Tree 4 Bee planting he will schedule for weekdays or on October 2th.
If you would like to help out with any of these tree plantings please contact Herb Peddicord at (304) 229-2665 or herb.f.peddicord.@wv.gov for more information.
Participants at all of these planting should bring water to drink, gardening or work goloves, sunscreen, pub spray, and a spade or shovel. Work clothes and boots are also appropriate clothing.