The stream was surveyed on foot and by kayak, between May 17 and June 23, 2005, to pinpoint critical areas of bank erosion, obvious sedimentation, inadequate riparian buffers, and to locate the confluence of tributaries and drainageways for mapping.
Sleepy Creek was mapped with data points established using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates. A total of 308 points of reference were collected along 33.1 miles of the main stem. Maps were produced employing these data points on digital USGS 1:24,000 topographical base maps, along with satellite image layers (mrSIDS). A database of information about each location was developed, with nine maps covering the main stem of the watershed, linked with over 1000 digital photographs.
Please read about the successful restoration on the Edmiston property as it nears completion!
Visit our Field Doc mapping of the best management practices employed.
More background information available at our Restoring Sleepy Creek page.
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